Thursday, December 02, 2004

Just another day, sorta.

There's not much to report on right now. I'm about half way through the blue scarf which is good since I'm going to start another scarf for Mendy's husband, sometime this weekend. It's strange. Just when everyone else is backing off of scarves I'm getting interested. Well, maybe not everyone but there's definitely less brou-ha-ha than last year.

It's been plenty busy at the shop this week although my student load is way down. I did have one brand new knitter today. That's always fun and interesting. You never quite know who's going to get it right away and who will struggle. Today was sorta in the middle. And a blast from the past. A new Skein customer but one I used to see almost weekly at my former shop, about ten years ago.

A fairly quiet night at the Thursday night knit together. There were only four of us. Mendy's new puppy kept us entertained most of the time though. And then there's always the desserts. Fruit flavored donuts, brownies, cheesecakes and more.

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