Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Merry Christmas! Last year everyone was saying Happy Holidays. I guess it's okay to say Merry Christmas again. But whatever, I hope you all have the best of times.

The best thing about waiting to the last minute to do my Christmas shopping is: it doesn't take long to make a decision. I am pretty pleased with the things I got and it only took about an hour and a half to do it. Someone at Macy's actually asked if they could help me. That hasn't happened in years! Tonight I'll wrap everything while I listen to my favorite classical music station. I also plan to make some zucchini bread. (Is that how you spell that?)

My last hat didn't get done. I'm trying to make a jogless jog and it isn't working. Finally broke down and got out Meg Swansen's Handknitting. Now I think I see what I was doing wrong, but it's too late to finish before tomorrow. Besides, there's twelve days of Christmas so I still have time.

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