Monday, February 27, 2006

Everybody's doin' it

Everybody's doin' it

All over Blogland, wherever I read today, there were cries of joy and frustration, depending on whether he/she had finished or not finished the chosen Knitting Olympics Project. I was one of the ones who decided not to sign up but to stay on the sidelines and work on what I called my Olympics project and to cheer others on as the time passed.

These three hats are the final push to meet an arbitrary goal of sixteen hats in sixteen days. No. I didn't make it. I think I finished ten and started four or five others. One thing I learned is that I have a lot of distractions. There were several days where I could only spend an hour or two working on the hats. I also learned that I care a lot more about the finished product that I do about quantity. I'm pleased with the hats I did get done and they'll all go in the Dulaan Project pile.

I still have lots of yarn that has been earmarked for hats. But now, for a change, I'm working on a sweater I started a few weeks ago. It's a raglan, in the round, bottom up. The body is done to the armholes and one sleeve is done. I worked on this sweater for several hours today. My friend Mendy has decided to have a Dulaan Day once at week at her house. Today was the first day. It was great fun to be able to sit and chat. A lot like our Thursday night group but this group will only work on projects for Dulaan. Already there's a stack of hats. No picture because even though I remembered to take my camera I didn't remember to use it.

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