Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Weather or not

Weather or not

Winter is dwindling down, at least around here, but we've been promised several days of continuous rain. It was supposed to have started yesterday but has been rescheduled to start tomorrow, or possibly late tonight. Folks have been finishing up their ponchos so they can wear them at least once before the season ends and the fad is over.

But speaking of ponchos. Have you seen the new "Knitters" magazine? Now there's a pub that needs to keep up. I lost count of how many ponchos there were in there. Several more than strictly necessary. I don't actually buy this magazine but I look at it while I'm at Skein. I used to subscribe but the issues I like are too few and far between. I might buy this one just for the man's sweater pattern. I don't have a copy in front of me so I can't check, but there may be one or two other patterns that I like. I refuse, however, to even look at the newest Vogue K1.

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