Friday, September 24, 2004

Photo Op

When there's very little else to write about, it's a good time for pictures.

Cherry Tree Hill Supersock yarn. 370 yards of incredible merino softness. This will most likely become a scarf rather than socks. You just need to see this. It was hard to choose just one. I got it at Velona's last Monday. I also got a cone of an anonymous carry-along that defies photography.

Four skeins of Kureyon 128. If there's orange in the yarn I will probably fall for it. Lisa likes orange, too. This will either be a Multi-directional diagonal scarf or a variation of that pattern. Art Yarns has a pattern that is similar but enough different that it will be fun to try. They call it the Zigzag Modular Scarf. Got this yarn at Phebie's on the same shopping trip. And I bought the pattern at Skein.

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