Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Orange you glad it's almost Christmas?

This was on my kitchen counter when I got home last night. The first orange from the tree that I got for Father's Day last year, or maybe it was the year before. My daughter had stopped by before I got home and had done some clean up work on my balcony. Thanks, kid! I just discovered that part this morning when I went out to take a picture of my well decorated tree.

If I weren't so cold I could believe that it's summer. Does this look like Christmas? Well, it is Southern California. It's still in the low forties as I write. That's cold? By our standards.


lexa said...

It's so nice to have your own orange tree! My mother started a grapefruit tree from seed (eats grapefruit pretty much every morning for breakfast). I've never been able to start anything like that from seed. I've tried, just never worked. Could never put it outside here, either, so I'm sure the cats would eat it anyways.

John said...

Let us know how that orange tastes.


Love This Space said...

I think this is when oranges are ripe. We used to always get our oranges around Christmas time when I lived in Arizona.

It does seem like they should come out in Summer though...

Unknown said...

*Snort* I can't remember the last time we reached 40 for a high. But if I ever build a greenhouse, I'd love to attempt some citrus fruit, particularly lemons and limes for baking.

Monika said...

You've got your own oranges!

Bess said...

Year before last, if I remember correctly. Happy Father's day!

ColorJoy LynnH said...

Wow. I went in the basement (Really cold down there) last night, and found that the tomato plant which holds approximately 7 tomatoes, has two which are turning orange. Mind you, they like heat.

The plant has been indoors since the first week of November. I would go to water it and there was no need, the plant wasn't drinking the water which was already there.

But I have two orange tomatoes. Probably it's time to pick them and put them in a sunny window.

How nice of your daughter to leave you that note!!!

rick said...

Don't let your little orange tree get frost!