Thursday, July 13, 2006

Some cats like cantaloupe. I once had a cat that would lick the rind of a cantaloupe until it was transparent. Patrick is not one of those cats that like cantaloupe, even if he did express a lot interest in what I was eating. Well, he's had his chance. Now it's all mine. And I have another one just like it.

I also have some cherries and blueberries that I need to get to before too long. All thanks to the generosity of Mendy and her husband. (They're in the produce business.) I'm doing my best to eat all this fresh fruit and still stay within the diet guidelines. I'll probably take some of the cherries with me today to share with KC, Ann Mary's husband, who's running the shop while Ann Mary recuperates.

And speaking of generosity. When I got home from Skein last night there was a package waiting for me. I hadn't ordered anything. I picked it up and saw it was from a friend in Michigan. We had talked on Sunday and I mentioned that I was starting to look around for a new digital camera.

I don't have to look anymore. I'm going to have to wait until the weekend to try out my new camera. Life is good when you have friends that have more fruit and cameras than they can use and share them.

First day back to work was interesting. Even if I hadn't known that the moon is full I would have suspected it. But we got through it.

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