Friday, April 15, 2005

Not much

Not much

It isn't much but here's what I've got:

The latest incarnation of the Zigzag Modular Scarf from an Art Yarn pattern. I'm using the Schaeffer Helene that Mendy gave me for my birthday. It's a very nice wool/silk blend. It took me three tries to get this one started. Kept losing my place and not changing directions at the appropriate stitch. Now I hope there's enough yarn in this skein to make a reasonable length. I'll have to email Unraveled and see if they have more or can order another skein. I'm not good at estimating how far I can go with only 218 yards. I'm surprised and pleased at how close the photo is to the actual colors. On my monitor anyway.

The week started out just fine but went rapidly downhill from there on. Some stress inducing news from my brother and then hearing about the death of a close friend, not unexpected but so final. It's been very busy at Skein and then there was the whole tax thing. But today looks promising. I have a little time to work on a new scarf that I started a couple of days ago. Haven't talked about that one yet. And the Monrovia Moms are coming in today, or at least some of them. I'll have to tell you about them another time. But they do cheer me up no end.

Knitting night was good with several kinds of cakes and tarts to try. I don't care what anyone says. Strawberries are deceptive and foul tasting. How could anything so pretty be so ick? Coating them with chocolate is a waste of good chocolate. Other than that I enjoyed myself.

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