Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Home from Utah. It was a great trip even though there was not yarn shop to visit. I did teach my great-nephew to knit while I was there. (Or is it grand-nephew when he's the son of your niece?) Turns out he's been waiting to learn since he first saw me knitting three years ago when we were both visiting my brother in Idaho. He is quick and really understood how the stitches were formed, even to the extent that he could knit backwards without me even telling him such a thing existed.

I didn't manage much knitting myself. I'm almost done with the one pair of socks I took with me. The yarn I took to start another pair I gave to my g-nephew along with a set of dpns. He seemed to really like the yarn and since he didn't have his own supply I thought he should have something so he could keep going while he's interested.

Even though I didn't get to any yarn shops, I had a great time. I talk with my brother usually about twice a month but I haven't seen him for three years. It's hard to believe we were so much at odds when we were kids. He sure can talk though! I don't think he stopped more than five minutes at a stretch while I was there. We took several longs walks with his new dog, Queen. You can make her out on the left of the photo above.

The abandoned stone house is on the edge of the lake where he lives. I don't know anything about it. The area where he lives is high desert, very dry and frequently quite windy. Nearly everywhere you turn there is construction going on. New houses all over the place. Looks like Utah is really growing and expanding. We did take a ride through some of the towns on the outskirts of Salt Lake City. And we went to a state liquor store. That was strange, and way more expensive than where I live.

So it's back to work tomorrow. Even though I was only gone a few days it seems like I have been away for weeks. Patrick, my cat, was happy to see me, even if he was a bit disgruntled.

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