Monday, September 02, 2002

Yesterday it was 112 degrees in front of Skein. I couldn't believe anyone would actually come in, but we were quite busy all afternoon. After the shop closed I drove to Culver City to have dinner with my oldest friend, Robert. It was only 85 there and he thought that was too hot. I guess perspective counts a lot.

When it's this hot I just don't want to do anything. Except sleep and that's not easy to do. So I finally turned on my A/C today. It helped a lot but isn't quite up to the climate control you'd find in a nice mall. Went out to lunch with some other friends. I could have stayed all afternoon. Unfortunately, they couldn't. So I came home and worked for several hours on the silk sweater I'm making. I finished the sleeves and back first as the front is the only part that's a little interesting.

Lisa told me that Blogger doesn't support photos in the blog. This is curious since I see photos all the time in blogs that use Blogger. What am I missing here? We tried for about an hour Friday night to post a photo but neither of us could figure out how to do it. PITA.

Worked on my interminable, mindless scarf tonight while I watched Antiques Roadshow and Mystery on PBS. Haven't touched it in weeks as I don't watch all that much TV. I think it will be about 10 feet long when I'm done.

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