Monday, March 03, 2008

Shih Tzu!

Gesundheit! I think I'm coming down with a cold but it could just be the aftermath of an evening at my friend Robert's. I went over there yesterday to meet his new shih tzu puppy. Her name is Susy and she's really the cutest little thing I've seen in a long time.

I've never seen a shih tzu this color, medium brown with brushing of charcoal at the edges. Her eyes are not really that blue but you know how it is with cameras and flashes. Throw in a few glasses of wine and this is what you get. I told Robert he was too old to handle a puppy with this much energy but he still wouldn't let me bring her home with me.

It was a very quiet weekend otherwise. I spent some time at Unraveled on Saturday them come home and worked on my Lehmus shawl. Progress is good. I'm only one repeat behind my plan. There have been a number of adjustments to the stitch pattern along the way. Mostly missed y/o's. I have the pattern well enough in my mind that I can pretty much ignore the print out, except for the start of the rows. And I'm up to about 120 stitches per row now.

The yarn I'm using is a bother. It splits easily and snags a lot. Possibly not a good choice for a shawl but I like the color and I needed to find a use for the yarn. I used a Russian join when I added a new ball. It's okay, better than a knot, but still not as discreet as I would like.

Pictures maybe next weekend.


lexa said...

She's a cutie! She does have different coloring for that kind of dog.

Monika said...

Wouldn't your cat eat this puppy for breakfast,if you brought it home? ;o)
So cute!

Bess said...

Oh I too, wonder what Patrick would say if he had a sister named Suzie - but she certainly is a pretty little thing.

I hate splitty yarn.