Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What happened to Spring?

According to the calendar we're well into Spring. According to the weather it's still winter. It's dark and gray and rain is predicted for this afternoon and evening. I don't mind this kind of weather but it's just not what we've been led to expect. I had to break out my winter coat this morning when I went for my walk. The weather patterns all over the world seem to be out of whack this year. Maybe we should just start over.

Taking the day off from knitting on my entrelac scarf didn't help all that much with the elbow pain. And the two different sock patterns I started didn't work out although I did manage to learn how to do a K1/P1 cast on. So anyway, the elbow is still hurting. I stopped at Rite-Aid and picked up one of those Ace bandage things to wrap around my arm.

So, I'm planning on not knitting much today either. Instead I will work on my income taxes which will be a whole different kind of pain.


unraveledgal said...

Take care of yourself...pain is no fun. Rest your arm for a few days...let the rain pass and you will be a good as new.

Bess said...

Ooooo - careful with that arm. And thanks for reminding me to DMT. Ugh.

Why would anybody want to ruin a perfectly lovely month like April with taxes?