Thursday, March 06, 2003

Another Beanie off the needles last night. This time I used a slightly different decrease. I added a single knit stitch between the decreases on Joe's four point decrease. I'm still trying to decide if I makes a significant difference. In any event, I like this decrease a lot.

A very good day at Skein yesterday. Three of my new students came in to get started on new projects. One of them had finished her first sweater last Friday and over the weekend had completed another sweater for her second granddaughter in the same yarn and using the same pattern in a smaller size. Started the second student on her first sweater ever. She's using one of Berroco's new yarns, Nimbus, and one of their patterns. The gauge swatch looked really good. She's so excited, in spite of the razzing she's getting from some of her friends about taking up knitting. "What are you going to do when you get old?" She and another of my students knit at their sons' hockey practice.

The third student is so enthusiastic that she can't wait to start her first sweater. She bought the yarn yesterday plus yarn for the second sweater and ordered yarn for the third. She told me she's getting up an hour or so earlier so she can get her other work done so she has more of the day available for knitting. And she's actually getting a lot done. She's a lot of fun to be with and has a way of infecting others with her excitement.

Going to the dentist this morning but when I get home I will try to work some on the current in process stuff. At least until time to go bowling.

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